Mooses And Gooses - Chapter 4.


Start at 100% and remove 1% for each X. Here goes...

2.Drank alcohol.[X]
3.Cried when someone died.[X]
4.Been drunk.[X]
5.Had sex.[] (Not answering that..~ XD;)
6.Been to a concert.[]
7.Given a handjob/gotten a handjob.[]
8.Given a blowjob/gotten a blowjob.[] (Heh heh..~)
9.Been verbally/sexually harassed.[X]
10.Verbally/sexually harassed somebody.[X] (It was funny! >.>)
11.Felt someone up and/or been felt up.[X] (Both? Crystal and I do that all the time.)
12.Laughed so hard something came out of your nose.[X]
13.Cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend before.[X] (She was a bitch anyways! 3=<)
14.Been cheated on by a boyfriend/girlfriend.[X]
15.Been to prom.[ ]
16.Cried at school.[X]
17.Gotten lost in a WalMart or a department store.[X]
18.Went streaking.[]
19.Given or receieved a lap dance.[]
20.Had of someone the opposite sex in your room.[X]
21.Had someone of the opposite sex sleep over.[X]
22.Slept over at someone of the opposite sex's house.[]
23.Kissed a stranger.[X]
24.Hugged a stranger.[X]
25.Went scuba diving.[]
26.Driven a car.[]
27.Gotten an xray.[X]
28.Hit by a car.[X]
29.Had a party.[X]
30.Done drugs.[]
31.Played strip poker.[X]
32.Got paid to strip for someone.[]
33.Ran away from home.[X]
34.Broken a bone.[]
35.Eaten sushi.[X]
36.Bought porn.[]
37.Watched porn.[X] (Friend dared me. -.-)
38.Made porn.[]
39.Had a crush on someone of the same sex.[X]
40.Been in love.[X]
41.Frenched kissed.[X]
42.Laughed so hard you cried.[X]
43.Cried yourself to sleep.[X]
44.Laughed yourself to sleep.[]
45.Stabbed yourself.[X]
46.Shot a gun.[]
47.Trash talked someone and then acted like their best friend the next day.[X]
48.Watched TV for 9 consecutive hours.[X]
49.Been online for 9 consecutive hours.[X]
50.Watched an animal die.[X]
51.Watched a person die.[X]
52.Kissed and/or messed around somewhere with at least 1 person present.[X]
53.Pranked somebody.[X]
54.Put somebody in the hospital.[]
55.Snuck into someone's room and/or your own room after being out.[X]
56.Kissed somebody of the same sex.[]
57.Dressed punk.[X]
58.Dressed goth.[X]
59.Dressed preppy.[X]
60.Been to a motocross race.[X]
61.Avoided somebody.[X]
62.Been stalked.[X]
63.Stalked someone.[X]
64.Met a celebrity.[X]
65.Played an instrument.[X]
66.Ridden a horse.[]
67.Cut yourself.[X]
68.Bungee jumped.[]
69.Ding dong ditched somebody.[] (Wtf does that mean? xD)
70.Been to a wild party.[]
71.Got caught stealing something.[X]
72.Kicked a guy in the balls.[X]
73.Stolen a boyfriend/girlfriend from a friend.[]
74.Went out with your friend's crush.[]
75.Got arrested.[]
76.Been pregnant.[]
78.Been to another country.[]
79.Started your house on fire.[X] (I was cooking eggs. My mortal enemy. D<)
80.Had an encounter with a ghost.[X]
81.Donated your hair to cancer patients.[]
82.Been asked out by someone that you never though you'd to be asked out by.[X]
83.Cried over a member of the opposite sex.[X]
84.Had a boyfriend/girlfriend for over 3 months.[X] (Almost two years, baby~.)
85.Sat on your ass all day.[X]
86.Ate a whole carton of ice cream all by yourself.[X]
87.Had a job.[X]
88.Gotten cut from a sports team.[X]
89.Been called a whore.[X]
90.Danced like a whore.[X]
91.Been mistaken for a celebrity.[]
92.Been in a car accident.[]
93.Been told you have beautiful eyes.[X]
94.Been told you have beautiful hair.[X]
95.Raped somebody.[]
96.Danced in the rain.[X]
97.Been rejected.[] (It's a record. >.> Everyone loves t3h Kamikins..)
98.Walked out of a restaurant without paying.[]
99.Punched someone/slapped someone in the face.[X]
100.Been raped.[]

54% virgin. XD Give or take a few. ^_~ 'Cos I ain't letting anyone know those little secrets~~.

[ ] Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
[X]Acrophobia - Fear of heights.
[ ] Agliophobia - Fear of pain.
[ ] Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds.
[X] Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects.
[ ] Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
[X] Androphobia - Fear of men.
[ ] Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking.
[ ] Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers.
[X] Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society.
[X] Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched.
[X] Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
[ ] Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers.
[X] Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightening. (Fear numbero uno.)
[ ] Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness.
[X] Atelophobia - fear of imperfection.
[X] Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
[X] Autophobia - Fear of being alone.
Total: 10.. o_o;

[ ] Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria.
[ ] Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
[ ] Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep slopes.
[ ] Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians.
[ ] Belonephobia - Fear of pins and needles.
[ ] Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
[ ] Botanophobia - Fear of plants.
Total so far: 10.

[X] Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
[X] Catagelophobia - Fear of being ridiculed.
[ ] Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
[ ] Chionophobia - Fear of snow.
[ ] Chromophobia - Fear of colors.
[ ] Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
[ ] Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.
[ ] Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
[ ] Cyberphobia - Fear of computers.
[ ] Cynophobia - Fear of dogs.
Total so far: 12. >.<>[Siblings] -Two brothers. Two step-brothers. Based on IRL. >_> Online, a lot more.
[pets] -Four guinea pigs, two cats, two snakes, fish, and four frogs.

[Color] - Green.
[Number] - 12.
[Animal] - Dunno. Not panda actually.

[Book] - Twilight series. <3>.>
[Currently playing] - Comatose by Skillet.
[Last movie you saw] - Full movie? xD Who knows. O just saw a clip of Bratz this morning. Ew.
[last thing you ate] - Toast with jam.
[Believe there is life on other planets?] - I hope so. D:
[Hate yourself?] - Sometimes. o.o
[Collect anything?] -Pandas, stuffed animals, weird stuff, wax, green things, tigereyes, and Iuno what else. xD
[Like your handwriting?] - Yeah. xD It's small and pisses everyone off.

[First crush] - I think it was Barbie, actually.. XD
[you believe in love at first sight?] - M'yeah.
[you believe in "the one?"] - Guess so. D: Hope I found that.

[A Daydreamer] - When am I not daydreaming? xD
[Sarcastic] - Quite a lot.
[shy] - Pretty much always. o.o;
[Talkative] - Mmm.. To friends I guess.

[Pierce your nose or lip?] - Lip.
[Be serious or funny?] - Serious. Cos life is serious business. D<>.>
[Missed someone] - Still do?
[Gotten drunk] - Been sober for a year. =D
[Gotten high] - Never tried.
[Danced crazy] - Nah.
[Gotten your hair cut] - hell no. my hair is t3h smex. D< [Watched cartoons] - Last night xD [Lied to someone] - Nope. o-o IN THE LAST 48 HOURS WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON THAT... [Slept in your bed] - Me? Maybe the cat.. [Saw you cry] - No one, silly! =D [Made you cry] - My mom. [Saw a movie with you] - Usually watch them alone. D: HAVE YOU EVER... [Been to California] - Nah. [Been to Europe] - Never left the country. DDD: [Wished you were the opposite sex] - Yeah. A lot of times. HONESTLY... 1. [Honestly, what color is your underwear?] - Blood-red silk? 2. [Honestly, whats on your mind right now?] - Shugo. Love-sick kitten I am. 3. [Honestly, what are you doing right now?] - Writing this, thinking, and listening to music? 4. [Honestly, do you think you are attractive?] - Nah, been told I'm not so many times. XD 5. [Honestly, have you done something bad today?] - If going back to sleep for forty minutes when I'm not allowed to counts, then yes. >.>
6. [Honestly, do you watch disney channel?] - Yeah. xD;
7. [Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?] - Yeah. >.>
8. [Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?] - Well, him for one. And my friends of course! xD
9. [Honestly, do you bite your nails?] - Yeah. Kinda stopped lately though.
10.[Honestly, what is your mood right now?] - Tired and miserable.
11. [Honestly, who do you want to see at this very moment?] - Shugo, Valo, and Chrynos.
12. [Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?] - Yeah.
13. [Honestly, do you hate someone right now?] - I've never hated anyone before?
14. [Honestly, are you in denial?] - Yeah, about something. o.o
15.[Honestly, do you like someone?] - Hell yes. It should be obvious! o_o
16.[Honestly, does anyone like you?] - I'd like to think so.

[X] I still watch cartoons on Saturdays.
[ ] I eat Froot Loops.
[ ] I go trick or treating.
[ ] I've taken a bubble bath in the last month.
[X] I have water balloon fights with my friends
[X] I still believe in Santa
[ ] Mommy's still the coolest person ever
[ ] I sleep till noon.
[ ] I still pass out little Valentines day cards on Valentines Day.
[ ] The boy/girl that sits next to me is cute.
[X] I still drink apple juice.
[X] There are monsters in my closet.
[ ] I can't sleep with the lights off
[X] I can't sleep with the lights on
[X] I still like piggy back rides.
[X] Boys/girls still make me giggle.
[ ] Boys/girls still have cooties

A - AVAILABLE : Nope. :3
B - BEST FRIENDS : Shu, Valo, Gabi, Robin, Crys.
C- Cute: Who, me? D: No.
D - DADS NAME : Kenneth.
F - FAVORITE BAND/ARTIST : Always changing.
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS : Worms. Bears make me sick. xD
H - HOMETOWN : Toronto Ontario.
I - INSTRUMENT : Too many to name.
K - KIDS : None yet, unless you count Nick and Megumi? o_O But I actually wouldn't mind having one.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: 3+ hours.
M - MILK FLAVOR : Chocolate~.
O - ONE THING YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: I have really pretty and unique eyes. <3>Natasha Bedingfield.

U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: I think that it only rains when I'm sad and want to cry.
W - WORST HABITS: Play with my fingers.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: When i was little and got my fingers sliced to the bone?
Z - ZODIAC SIGN : Gemini. Multiple-personality disorder ftw.

****Everyone has their firsts...****
First real best friend: Cleo. -_- Big mistake.
First Cellphone: Uh. Last year?
First pet: Nightmare, cat.
First piercing/tattoo: Ear, a few days after I was born.
First flight: Never flown.
First Celebrity Love: Dunno.
First job: Watered someone's flowers.. xD

****Everyone has their lasts...****
Last person you hugged: Gabe.
Last time you cried: Last night.
Last movie you watched: Bratz. It was a two minute clip! >_> And no one should watch that crap,
Last shirt worn: Gray with Grumpy from Snow White and "I got my own attitude, I don't need yours!" on it. And gray tank top. xD
Last phone call: Mom. Few days ago.
Last thing you touched: Mouse. And my leg/shorts. o_O
Last time at the mall: Aggggges ago.
Last time you were excited about something: Yesterday and got let down again. ._.
Last person you saw: My brother who's beside me?
Last thing you drank: H2O.
Last time you have been truly happy: Few days ago?



Nothing really new. Just been an emo fuck. And we built a new cage for the piggies. ~_~ Still not done. We got a new guinea pig, Owen. Hes a himi pig. Similar to Siamese cat coloring.

Anyways. o_o Koko-bro is nagging me to work on my bio for Salvation City.


Why mooses and gooses?
My name on Salvation City. Alternate account. xD

Come Back - Chapter 3.

Forgot to mention.. That my dad now has diabetes. Mom's been slowly dying from it for years. Grandmother, and great-grandmother had it too. So I have to be checked out soon.. Cos.. I already have symptoms. Symptoms of a bad case of diabetes. But I haven't seen a Doc' for three years. Sooo... Oh well~.

Too lazy to talk about Salvation City. Been working on mah bio. -_- So damn long. Over nine pages..

Gotta a chance to talk to him. Y'know.. Really talk. Like.. Fifteen minutes.. But it was nice.. <3 I wish he'd come back to me though...

Oh yeah. <3 style="font-style: italic;">"I think I lost your love"
in my personal text on MSN?
His response was.. "*pulls you down onto his lap again and wraps his arms around your waist* You'll never lose my love."
=giggles like a school girl~.= x3 <33

We're both looking for something
We've been afraid to find
It's easier to be broken
It's easier to hide

Looking at you, holding my breath
For once in my life I'm scared to death
I'm taking a chance letting you inside

I'm feeling alive all over again
As deep as a scar
under my skin
Like being in love, she said, for the first time
Maybe I'm wrong, I'm feeling right
Whenever I'm alone with you tonight
Like being in love with you for the first time

We're crashing
Into the unknown
We're lost in this
But it feels like home

Fuck I'm in love...
Yet.. I'm still too shy to admit it..

Why is most of my writing ALWAYS about him?! >///////<;; Lovesick dork..

Insomnia - Chapter 2.

Song: Only One For Me.
Arist: Brian Mcknight.

..So. I guess this is entry two.


This is really weird.

This week wasn't so hot.

Come to think of it. I've been listening to that song for almost an hour, and barely caught any lyrics to it.


Monday. Day off school, was pretty good. Lonely day, barely any sleep.
Tuesday. Had a severe panic attack. Another lonely day. Barely any sleep. Spent most of the day trying to recover from the attack. Because it was that bad..
Wednesday. Still recovering. Took forever to fall asleep. Then woke up at 1:30 with blood-sucking bugs on my face. =shudder.= Was up for the rest of the night.
Thursday. Was tired from being up most of the night. Couldn't do any work. Owen, the new guinea pig from the Rescue, came to us. Spent most of the day helping with that.
Friday. More yelling than usual by the family. More.. Listening to how much they dislike me. Gabe lost his cell phone. Nathan gave it to me. And then.. I had to run through to the other side of the school (Weak lungs do not approve of this running) to catch Gabe before school ended. And guess what. Yeah. He ended up kissing me on the cheek in front of my best friend, zee gossip queen, Crys. And.. Gabe.. He knows I'm taken..
Everyday: Being yelled at, insulted. Treated like shit for my existence. Fun stuff, kiddies. And being really lonely.
Today. Went to Anime North, the anime convention here. Met up with friends. Bought a few things (Mostly Hinata based..). Bought him something. Bought sis something. Bought my friends a few things, only to have them save they were tired and wanted to go home, which pretty much meant that I had to go back home. Rode

I also have to write an essay for Sociology/Psychology/Anthropology class, then present it. Plus one for English that I over-did the extension. Because I cant work. I can't concentrate. And study for my Biology exam and do extra credit so I might actually pass.. Plus hand in a Biology lab. And start my new English project.. But guess what. I cant freaking concentrate to do anything.

Oh god.
Oh god.
Oh god.

And I miss another night of being with him.. And. Again, I cant help but cry. because maybe if I wasn't so stubborn.. Maybe then he's know how much he really means to me..

Love hurts.
...Yeah. Really original thar' Kami.
But it's true.
Because it hurts so damn much.. Being this close, yet so damn far away.
I don't know why I'm admitting this.. But.. Even if it means I see him less, I find.. I cant smile as much. Or act happy around people. It's.. Like some crazy addiction where I crave the love. I'm.. Okay with just talking. With just being together.
Why is that so much to ask for?

Shit.. I've spent all weekend crying. And shit ain't even that bad. Guess thas'what happens when you keep things inside, and let them build..

Cats and wolfs don't mix.
NaruHina will never work.
Certain people were just made to be alone.

And maybe..
Just maybe..
I can't live without you..
Happy now that I admitted it..?

He said he can't live without me either..
I really wish that were true..

Hold fuck I sound like a drama queen.

Song Two: Is It You.
Artist Two: Cassie.

Something as simple as "cheer up" made me cry..
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