- So. This is the first post of my blog.. Thinger.
- Yay. :3 Everyone can read about lil' ol' Kamicakes.
- Soo.. Uhhh.. Maybe I should start of by talking about myself?
- My name's Kami. Fo' real, yo'. xD I'm gunna be seventeen on June 12th. Uhhh. I'm short. Currently have brown hair, but it's naturally black. o-o Gray eyes. Stormy gray. Turns bright blue or slate sometimes. And I'm super ghostly pale. <3 And apparently under-weight. o-o
- If I was to be classified as any animal in the world, I'd be a house cat. We kitties are notoriously lazy, and we dont do good in relationships because of our laziness, and our need for independence. Yep. And we're very insecure and stuffs too. So we spend most of our time alone.
- Anyways. Sexuality. Confusing. xD I'm the lesbian who's dating a guy. As of tomorrow, 20 months. His name is Shugo. xD And despite how I act with everyone else, I really do love the little goober. He's really sweet and kind, and nice. <333>.> But if he knew that, I'd have to pound his face in so I don't ruin my awesome image.
- For your sake, I'll shut up. Because I can go on and on about my silly boyfriend.
- So. I have a chain of paperclips. They make a crown. D: I am Queen Kami, ruler of pandas and all things cute'n'cuddly.
- So yeah. I have three guinea pigs. Stinkie, the older girl, who does not stink at all but looks like a skunk, TImmy, the second oldest, blonde, from an animal rescue, and super cute apparently. >.>; So everyone has determined that Stinkie and Timmy are dating. And they have a "child", Annie. We got her from a friend who had a little from a rescue piggy. She is black, blonde, and has the same stripe as Stinkie. She looks exactly like Timmy and Stinkie's baby. She's really cute. :3
- I also have two dweebish cats. The two are siblings, brother and sister. First, there's CC, which stands for "Crazy Cat". No joke. xD And he was adopted. We didn't name him, but it suits his persona. He's got cataracts, so he's losing his vision and is almost blind. He runs into doors a lot, and is the cat that watches me nekkid. o_o; He's brown, and tabbyful. So then there's Sunny, the girl. She's white and has a bit of the brown-gray splashes on her. She's starting to get cataracts too. But she's the shy one. The two kitties are opposites.
- And lastly. i have four frogs, two snakes, and fish. All in the tank. xD I used to have a shark, but my baby Aerix died. ;_;
- Uh... So I lost my flow. xD Role-playing with Shugi on MSN. Write later~.
With love,